Grill'd Local Matters - LAST WEEK TO VOTE
Local Matters is a way of giving back to the communities Grill'd is part of, right around Australia. Every month, each restaurant splits $500 between three groups doing amazing work in the community —and that’s where YOUR vote counts.
We’d love your support so simply head to Grill’d Noosa during May for a burger and pop your Local Matters token in our jar. It’s a simple (and delicious) way to show your support!
You’ll find us on a jar at Grill’d Noosa, Shop 5 50 Hastings St, Noosa Heads.
Malani's Birthday a HUGE Success!
Malani turned nine this month and celebrated with a NO presents birthday.
Instead of gifting a present, friends were invited to make a donation to Malani’s chosen charity, Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter. When traveling last year Malani had the opportunity to volunteer at Dutch Thunder and meet Kylee! Malani quickly became aware of the hard work and dedication involved in caring for and rescuing wildlife.
Malani raised $268.15 at her party and $987 via her birthday GoFundMe campaign.
That’s a total of $1255.15 to help our injured and orphaned native wildlife. Woo-hoo!!!
She was so thrilled to be able to support the 111 animals in care at Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter.
This is the best birthday gift Malani could have ever hoped for!
A huge thanks goes out to everyone that supported her. You’ve made one little go getter, very happy indeed.
You can read Malani's next instalment from their Victorian adventures on the latest blog post here

Noosa Beer donations keep flowing
Our collaboration with Noosa Beer continues to raise valuable funds with last month's donation just under $250. And with the added bonus of a meat tray raffle every Friday with profits adding to the donation amount we couldn't be more thrilled.
This unique partnership demonstrates how businesses and environmental organisations can work hand in hand for a common cause.
A HUGE thanks to Noosa Beer and may the drinks keep flowing...
Containers for change - (QKC Member Number C10369139)
Queensland Koala Crusaders is registered with CONTAINERS for CHANGE as an extra way to raise valuable funds.
This is a great way for you to get involved and support our Aussie icon.
Do you think this is something you could do?
When you recycle with Containers for Change, you get a 10 cent refund for every eligible container you return.
Making change is easy. It all starts with you. Collect your eligible, recyclable containers, then drop them off at a container refund point where you can either keep or donate your 10 cent refund. Not only is it great for the environment, but it’s also a great way to support Queensland Koala Crusaders.