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Our success is powered by supporters like you. Donate today

Koalas have now been listed as "endangered" in Queensland, New South Wales and ACT.  A listing of "vulnerable" since 2012 did not provide protection as we continue to see great decline in populations across Australia.

So how do we protect koalas and ensure a future for them?

QKC are active in working collaboratively to meet our strategic goals that include:




Can you chip in to help?

$10 - Will plant one koala food tree

$25 - Provides medication for a sick koala

$50 - Funds a tank of petrol for rescues of leaf cutting

$100 - Can help put pressure on governments to stop excessive tree-clearing, so our native wildlife habitat is protected for future generations

$250 - Buys specialised formula and supplies for the duration of a koala in care (3-6 months)

$500 - Plants 50 valuable food trees for koalas

$1000 - Provides a planting team of volunteers with the equipment and seedlings to make a huge impact

Although we cannot necessarily replace what has been lost through unsustainable harvest in forests and clearcutting across the landscape, now is a time more than ever that we must consider our future and the future of our children and grandchildren.

Every donation counts and every effort matters.

Nb. If you would prefer to donate via bank transfer, please email us for the account details

The Queensland Koala Crusaders Fund is a public fund listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations under item 6.1.1 of subsection 30-55(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. Any gifts over $2 are tax deductible.