Act Now to Make a Difference
- Becoming a member is easy!
- Becoming a member of QKC allows you to join a growing community of passionate, like-minded people striving to make a tangible difference.
- QKC is a “Voice for the Koala”. Joining us as a member adds more voices and with more voices, we can speak louder, raising the volume on the plight of our endangered koalas.
- Joining us helps us help our koalas by protecting and building koala habitat, providing vital care for koala carers and sanctuaries and by advocating for koalas with all levels of government, business, and the community.
- Becoming a member of QKC helps us to undertake more projects like tree planting, to save our koalas.
- Becoming a member of QKC provides us with more energy and “boots on the ground” giving us more volunteers to get more done to save our koalas.
- Becoming a member allows you to bring new ideas forward to make a bigger impact with what we do.
We welcome everyone, so please join us and help secure a future for our furry friends. For more details contact us at [email protected].
Become a Member
Become a QKC Member and join us in the fight to save Koalas, for more details about memberships visit here.
Join Our Team
When you join our team and become a volunteer you can help us spread the word and support our efforts to protect the koalas of southeast Queensland. More information about volunteering can be found here.