Radio-tracking progress of Athey, Atherton Tablelands koala
Athey, one of the very few tropical koalas living wild north of Townsville, has been radio tracked since he was released from care in Feb 2022. In 10 days he’d moved 12km.
Athey was rescued from a suburban power pole in the town of Atherton, south-west of Cairns, in the Tablelands Region.
Funding for koala habitats on Sunshine Coast
3 groups have secured funding for koala habitats: Curramore by AWC; Hinterland Koala Habitat by Hinterland Bush Links and Sunshine Coast Hinterland Koala Habitat Restoration by Ecollaboration.
Overall, the Australian Government is investing more than $76 million through the Saving Koalas Fund for the conservation and protection of the koala. This includes community grants, large-scale habitat restoration activities, monitoring and koala health initiatives.
QKC has made a financial contribution to Hinterland Bushlinks to help in the purchase of trees for this project.
Global investment in chlamydia vaccine
Field trials of the chlamydia vaccine developed by Prof Peter Timms and team at the University of Sunshine Coast will be funded by Ceva Wildlife Research Fund.
Ceva Wildlife Research Fund, a separate entity launched by Ceva Santé Animale, a global animal health company that spans more than 110 countries, has committed $175,000 to support key stages of further developing the vaccine which aims to protect Australia’s iconic, and now endangered, species.
Also, the first koala at Currumbin Wildlife Hospital to receive the chlamydia vaccine is showing promising results and has given birth to a joey.
Funding for Koala Research in Esk
Care4esK will collaborate with Australian Earth Laws Alliance and the University of the Sunshine Coast Detection Dogs for Conservation team on the koala research project around Mt Glen Rock and Sandy Creek.
Create a koala friendly Environment at home
Creating a koala-friendly environment in your backyard is a simple and effective way to help protect these iconic Australian animals.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
Plant native trees and shrubs that koalas love, like Queensland Blue Gum and grey ironbark.
Create koala-friendly fencing by adding a simple escape route such as a timber post positioned at an angle to the fence.
Make your pool koala-safe by attaching a thick rope to a floating device or place an escape board for them to grab/jump onto if they fall in the pool.
Contain your dog at night and provide them with wildlife avoidance skills.
Wild koala sighting
An adorable koala sighting that was sent in by one of our followers (image top left). We always love to see pictures of our precious koalas in the wild.
We would love to see your images if you have been lucky enough to spot a koala in then wild.
If you have a photo or video of one of these special moments then send it into us with your name and location and we will share it with our supporters. You can email [email protected]
Koala Release
On Sunday 2nd April we had the privilege of releasing George Ferry (images 2 & 3 above) in a little park in Tewantin where he was originally rescued. He was successfully treated for pneumonia and chlamydia at the awesome Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital and it was such a joy to release him where he belongs in the wild, in front of delighted neighbours. He is aged 3 with a healthy 7-8/10 body score. Why George Ferry? Because he was spotted in a George Street and not far from the ferry which goes to Noosa North Shore. We wish George Ferry a long, happy and healthy life and hope to see him around from time to time, possibly with a lovely girlfriend.
Planting Progress
It's so amazing what a little love, care and six months of TLC can accomplish!
In June and September of 2022, QKC planted over 600 trees at Alsahwa Retreat in Verrierdale.
In what seems like the blink of an eye, those tiny plants (about 18 inches tall), have grown taller than our friend Ryan Stone (image top right), the lead caretaker of this gorgeous property.
Would you like your property to be blessed with koala habitat trees? Feel free to let us know at [email protected] where we're gearing up for a terrific planting season!
Thanks to Alsahwa and the lovely people who care for it.
Wild Koala Day - May 3rd 2023
A day to celebrate wild koalas and protect their habitats.
This year we will be attending the Maleny Wood Expo (see below) for our Wild Koala Day celebrations.
It is the one day of the year that we get to sit back and reflect on what we have achieved over the past 12 months as well as look to the future and what more we can do so save our precious Australian icon and the habitats which yes call home.
Its a day to engage with community and raise awareness about the threats facing koalas and other wildlife. This day will celebrate our wild koalas and raise a better understanding of the perils they face and what each and every one of us can do to conserve koalas in the wild.
Habitat loss and fragmentation forces koalas to the ground in search of food, shelter and dispersal opportunities. Koalas are then at risk of being struck by motor vehicles and attacked by domestic, wild and feral animals. We need the communities help to make sure all levels of government create stronger laws that allow our children and our children’s children to see “wild koalas”.
There are a number of things that you can do to support koalas on the day and beyond:
- Become a member of QKC and join us as a voice for the koala
- Make a donation to help fund this years vital tree plantings
- Come along to the Maleny Wood Expo and join us over the long weekend of April 29 - May 1 2023 (details below)
- Volunteer with us at our planting events. Other opportunities are available as well so sign up and we will keep you posted
- Visit the Wild Koala Day website to see all the ways in which you get involved
Wild Koala Day will also be the day we launch our new website! We are very excited about the new look site and can't wait to share the new look and feel with all of you. Watch this space early next month.
Maleny Wood Expo - May 3rd 2023
Established in 1996 by Barung Landcare, the Maleny Wood Expo promotes the sustainable use of our beautiful timbers through the work of local and regional wood artisans. The Wood Expo is Barung Landcare's biggest fundraiser for the year, with all proceeds from ticket sales going back into future Wood Expo events and regional projects that help protect our local environment.
The Maleny Wood Expo is now recognised as one of the best wood shows in Australia, and has been bringing wholesome, family-friendly fun to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland for over two decades. 2023 marks the 24th year of the Maleny Wood Expo!
Over the long weekend of April 29 - May 1 2023, the Maleny Wood Expo will host a range of fun and immersive activities for all generations to enjoy!
QKC has been invited to participate with a stall and a presentation so we would love to see you there.
Details and tickets are available here
Nb. Tickets available online and at the gate.
Roving Restorers Program - Noosa Chapter - Saturday 22nd April
When: 8:30 AM, 22 Apr 2023
Where: Yurol State Forest
The Roving Restorer program will be conducting monthly working bees at the Yurol State Forest.
We will treat environmental weeds within the current remnant forest areas and along tracks and trails. This will help improve the resilience of both the existing high biodiversity remnant vegetation areas and also the long-term management of the revegetation areas. It also provides an opportunity to learn bush regeneration techniques, plant identification skills and to make new friends!
Please contact Noosa Landcare Project Officer – Tamara - for further details.
Participants will be notified the day before the event of the exact location of the works.
Please arrive for an 8:30am start.
All tools will be provided.
Bring gloves, water, boots, sunscreen and insect repellent. Long-sleeved shirt, trousers and hat are essential (Workplace Health and Safety Regulations).
This project has received funding support from the Queensland Government’s Community Sustainability Action grant program.
Roving Restorers Program - Noosa Chapter - Friday 28th April
When: 8:30 AM, 28 Apr 2023 Friday
Where: Cooroy
Join the Roving Restorers Noosa Chapter, hand weeding at a LFW property at Cooroy. Works undertaken will help contribute to the biodiversity of the property and improve important linkages through the surrounding landscape.
Please contact Noosa Landcare Project Officer – Tamara - for further details.
Participants will be notified the day before the event of the exact location of the works.
Please arrive for an 8:30am start.
All tools will be provided.
Bring gloves, water, boots, sunscreen and insect repellent. Long-sleeved shirt, trousers and hat are essential (Workplace Health and Safety Regulations).
Kanu Kapers Guests Raise $5,000 for Koalas
Noosa Everglades’ sustainable tour operator, Kanu Kapers has now donated over $5,000 to support the regeneration of local koala habitat. The funds have been raised by customer donation under their ‘Carbon Offset Scheme’ which was launched in 2019.
Kanu Kapers use an online carbon calculator called EcoTree to work out the approximate carbon usage for a vehicle travelling to their launch site near Boreen Point and ask customers to donate that sum to fund trees for Koalas when they purchase their eco tours. The money is then given to Koala Charity, Queenland Koala Crusaders, who use it to plant and maintain the trees.
Kanu Kapers’ owner Vivienne Golding says,
“The scheme is extremely popular with our guests, especially since we added it to our online check out. Practically everyone clicks the donate button. It’s really inspiring to know that so many people want to support local wildlife. Our travellers come from all over the world and have chosen to go on a truly sustainable tour, so they tend to be passionate about the environment and want to give something back”.
Multi award-winning Kanu Kapers strive to be carbon neutral and the business has the environment at its core. All tours are propelled by paddle, enabling wildlife viewing at its best and a true wilderness escape.
Check out to find out more about the Carbon Offset for Koalas Scheme and how Kanu Kapers support eco-tourism in the Noosa Everglades.
Local Matters at Grill’d Noosa this April
We’ve been selected to participate in Local Matters at Grill’d Noosa this April!
Local Matters is the Grill’d community donation program that sees each Grill’d restaurant donate back into the community every month. The donation is split between 3 local community groups of which QKC is one this month
We’d love your support so simply head to Grill’d Noosa during April for a burger and pop your Local Matters token in our jar. It’s a simple (and delicious) way to show your support!
You’ll find us on a jar at Grill’d Noosa, Shop 5 50 Hastings St, Noosa Heads.
Containers for Change
Queensland Koala Crusaders is registered with CONTAINERS for CHANGE as an extra way to raise valuable funds.
This is a great way for you to get involved and support our Aussie icon.
Do you think this is something you could do?
IT'S AS EASY AS 1, 2, 3…
When you recycle with Containers for Change, you get a 10 cent refund for every eligible container you return.
Making change is easy. It all starts with you. Collect your eligible, recyclable containers, then drop them off at a container refund point where you can either keep or donate your 10 cent refund. Not only is it great for the environment, but it’s also a great way to support Queensland Koala Crusaders.
Evaline Rawlinson
Evaline joined us in late 2021, and immediately immersed herself in QKC activities. She has shown up at nearly every one of our plantings, even those far away from home, and helped us with a recent Sausage Sizzle.
Her infectious energy and willingness to pitch in on any project have made her an integral part of our project team. Eve, as she is also known, speaks Japanese and has travelled and studied there many times. She brings her love of Japan to her students at the Catholic School where she is a teacher of Japanese to students from Prep to Year 6.
Eve also teaches Science and Social Studies, with a particular focus on her other special love, koalas. In 2022, Eve’s school held the inaugural “Wildlife Crusader Week” during which all students engaged in learning about our precious wildlife and were encouraged to dress in a wildlife theme in exchange for a modest donation. The monies collected allowed QKC to purchase a drill auger so that we could escalate our planting projects!
Eve lives in an apartment in Scarborough with the love of her life, Tony. Together they have raised 4 kids, who now have kids of their own. When she isn’t teaching, working for koalas or hanging out with family, Eve likes to cycle, go kayaking, and walk and swim at the beach.
Eve recently completed a grant writing class so that she can help QKC with grant applications and acquittals. She’s truly a powerhouse!
Koala charity 250,000 trees closer to creation of Northern Rivers wildlife corridor
A project to restore koala habitat in the Northern Rivers of New South Wales has reached a milestone, with 250,000 trees now planted.
Bangalow Koalas' goal is to plant 500,000 trees by 2025 to create a koala wildlife corridor connecting habitat across the region.
Charity president Linda Sparrow said that since 2019 it had completed 91 plantings on 69 properties across six shires.
Planting koala forests is helping flying foxes
Researchers have found that Hendra virus in flying-foxes is exacerbated by drought and habitat loss, and that tree planting for koalas is benefiting flying foxes and reducing Hendra.
Shoalhaven koalas gone, Campbelltown only hope left for Sydney Basin
A new study by Sydney Basin Koala Network has found no koalas in the Shoalhaven since the Black Summer bushfires. Added to extinctions in Pittwater and Central Coast, it leaves Campbelltown/Wollondilly as the only koala population expanding.
Koala joeys Rafa & Kookie released to wild
The two koala joeys, both orphaned by vehicle strike, were cared for by Friends of the Koala with support from IFAW, and successfully released into the wild.
Bulga Forest logging suspended
After 3 months of campaigning by Save Bulga Forest and the community, Forestry Corporation have changed the status of Bulga Forest from 'active' to 'suspended'.
Australian Ethical divests from Lendlease over koala concerns
The investment firm has sold all $11million in shares in Lendlease, citing failure to provide information on the proposed width of koala corridors in the controversial Mt Gilead development in southwest Sydney.
Port Stephens Koala Hospital promised $2million funding from NSW Labor
With Labor elected in NSW, Port Stephens Koala Hospital should be receiving the promised $2million in funding sometime soon. We look forward to the announcement, and will hold them to account if it is not forthcoming.